One of my friends from back home sent me an email with a presentation that went along the lines of... you have a choice. You can choose to be unhappy or happy today. Or so it went. I woke up today and thought about it. I decided I would have a good time today. It was a sunny Monday, the weather was nice, I had done my research on beer over the weekend and was ready to stock the beer fridge at work etc. I get to work early and am bombarded by all sorts of requests from people relating to work. That gets to me and I get frustrated. I've been rather unhappy of late with my effort at work and my performance. All the extra stuff that came my way was just adding to it. I remembered the forward and thought about the good day bit. I took a walk and decided I would have a good day. So far, so good. I left at a reasonable time to get the beer fridge filled. I went to the store, got most of what I wanted and left in peace. Drove back to the office, went to park the car in the underground park...
I use this as a place to let loose on whatever bugs me, usually at an hour way past my bed time. I *attempt* to keep track of where I am in the world right now and even try to put up pictures. You be the judge.