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Showing posts from March, 2009

Good luck Denman

I have worked with some very interesting people over time. From the strange long bearded fellow who slept under his desk surrounded by plants, lived two hours away (a bus, a boat and god knows what else to get to his place) and signed all his emails with 'love and light' to the incredibly intelligent (like the fellow who got his PhD at like 22 and now works for google) to the geiger himself... but, I have rarely met someone like Denman. Denman, otherwise known as the high five guy is a blend of a bunch of things. From a software developer to a chef specialising in pork, a brewer, a beer connoisseur, to a fairly capable musician and singer who plays a mean mandolin... he is something else. Denman, now sporting a hippy beard, is heading off to San Francisco to work for another part of the company I work for, live on a boat and keep urban chicken! I first met Denman as he went around the office giving high fives. He seemed to be committed to doing that on a fairly regular basis....

What gives South Africa?

The world is sometimes a great place. Sometimes though, you just have to shake your head and wonder. It is strange sometimes when a nation forgets its past so easily. South Africa seems to be having an episode of amnesia right now it seems. You see, this old withering man who ran away from oppression to seek refuge elsewhere and make a political case for his people while in exile wanted to enter South Africa to talk about Peace. And South Africa said no. Because his presence in South Africa "would not be in South Africa’s best interests." What was that again? How could the presence of a Nobel Peace Laureate, a religious leader, and lets not forget, someone who many believe is a living god, in your country not be in your best interests? What kind of crap ass grass are you people smoking out there? And, in case you forgot, this man won a prize for PEACE for god's sakes. Whatever god you believe in, whether he looks like his holiness, whether he or she had 8 hands or whethe...

So where have I been

I haven't blogged for over a month now... that sucks. My aim at the start of the year was to blog once a week at least... you know, hit the magical 52 posts per year number. Unfortunately, things got in the way. So what's been going on in my world? Well, lets see. Work: work is work. No raises on account of the recession or depression or what have you... so that sucks. No promotion... not that a promotion would have given me raise, so I am not sure what's worse... getting promoted but no $$$ or not getting promoted and not getting $$$. Health: I've been working out a lot of late. I've lost a whopping 4 kg! Even that snarky little wii fit was concerned about my weight loss. I hope to keep going. I can run 45 minutes on a treadmill and not feel too bad after. Now, that may not sound like much to the hardcore types, but I think I can do some awesome stuff with that. Some day, I hope to run another 10k, a marathon and a triathlon. And when I go back home, I am going to...