I have worked with some very interesting people over time. From the strange long bearded fellow who slept under his desk surrounded by plants, lived two hours away (a bus, a boat and god knows what else to get to his place) and signed all his emails with 'love and light' to the incredibly intelligent (like the fellow who got his PhD at like 22 and now works for google) to the geiger himself... but, I have rarely met someone like Denman. Denman, otherwise known as the high five guy is a blend of a bunch of things. From a software developer to a chef specialising in pork, a brewer, a beer connoisseur, to a fairly capable musician and singer who plays a mean mandolin... he is something else. Denman, now sporting a hippy beard, is heading off to San Francisco to work for another part of the company I work for, live on a boat and keep urban chicken! I first met Denman as he went around the office giving high fives. He seemed to be committed to doing that on a fairly regular basis....
I use this as a place to let loose on whatever bugs me, usually at an hour way past my bed time. I *attempt* to keep track of where I am in the world right now and even try to put up pictures. You be the judge.