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Showing posts from 2019

New (work) adventures

I mentioned in my last post how bad decisions by the powers that be have made the people who work with me want to leave. I helped them along by putting in my 2 weeks notice. I have been thinking about a change from them prior to the announced move to the suburbs, but that decision merely made it much easier to go out, reach out to my contacts and apply for jobs. The process itself was not that hard; as I alluded to previously, the tech market is quite good in Vancouver and folks with my skill set are lucky enough to be in demand. I have new UI technologies to be exposed to and a new company and technology stack to be exposed to. There are at least 3 familiar faces there that I know of and many more people who know people I know. I did apply to a few places and talked to quite a few people, recruiters and other wise, and after interviewing at 2 places, accepted the job I found to be the most acceptable. The most interesting thing since the change is the knowledge that many othe...

How to make a good thing go bad quickly in tech

I haven't written a work related post in what seems like ages. I am currently living through the aftermath of a third M&A in my career. The company I currently work for is in its third incarnation - from a small tech startup 15 or so years ago to something that was sold to a large software company - one of those lumbering giants that have their hands in all kinds of technology driven fields - where they invested sufficiently in it to grow it in its current location - to now finally being acquired by an even larger technology company - one that its hands in all kinds of technology fields.I came along post the second phase but I have seen 2 other US tech company acquisitions, one that made me quit fast and the other that took me around the world but made me leave anyway. The difference from the previous take-over of the current place and this one is stark. While there was a lot of churn up top in the previous acquisition and differences in what you paid for benefits etc, for...

Thoughts on the new year