For those keeping track, I work for a software company. That company is being bought out by another. I understand that the takeover is almost complete now that the two companies have been given the green light to merge by the United States Department of Justice. So, a lot of us are wondering whether we will get to keep our jobs... There is good and bad from this merger. Allegedly, the new owners are much richer. They are also better at business. Why? Well, for one, they bought us out. For a long time, it was an Us vs Them competition. We felt like we owned a (albeit tiny) part of the company. And we thought we were winning (or leading at least). We lost. We felt let down. Now we get cashed out. There is little more to stick around for, except for the money and to see what the new overlords decide to do with our little enterprise. A lot of us are looking for greener pastures or just a change. The one thing about working where I am is that I have made many good acquaintances, maybe ev...
I use this as a place to let loose on whatever bugs me, usually at an hour way past my bed time. I *attempt* to keep track of where I am in the world right now and even try to put up pictures. You be the judge.