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Showing posts from August, 2007

Heading home

Its about 1 am here. I am heading home tomorrow. I am excited. I haven't been home in about 5 months. I can't believe I have been away from Vancouver for so long. Since I came back from my last trip, I've been melting, burning, sweating in the weather that DC seems to have for half the year. I've fought bugs, been bitten by god knows what, seen things I never expected of a first world country and began to learn why this palce is the way it is. I am looking forward to going home and working from the Vancouver office. I feel like it is a privilage to work out of the office there... yet a piece of me lashes out at that thought. Why did I move? Why did I have to move? Why couldn't I just work from Vancouver? In the grand scheme of things as far as my company goes, I am small fry in a decent sized pond. Either transplant yourself or find another pond. Life is scary, I chose to stay with the same pond that I am somewhat familiar with and transplanted. I want to go home a...

Coming up on 60 years

Its almost 60 years since India won her independence from Great Britain. I have been a big fan of history of all sorts and my people's history is something that I am very interested in. When I was born, India was a country run by the Congress party and a Gandhi was in charge. Its quite funny that 26 years or so later, another Gandhi (an Italian one) is running the show in the background. In the meantime, the country has changed and improved by leaps and bounds. But what about from 60 years ago? I have read a lot that many of the founding fathers of our country have written over time... I can only imagine the anticipation, the hope and the dreams of many Indians who are on the brink of that day. Remember what Nehru said? He said, "L ong years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedo...