I installed Picasa on my Ubuntu box today. It uses wine! For those who don't know what wine is, 'wine is not a (windows) emulator' for Linux. I used to hate wine. I had tried to run Kazaa way back in the day to get things off the internet and believe me, I got it to work, but with many hours of painful configuration. Linux has come a LONG way since then. I ran a ps --forest and viola
fatherted 8569 1 3 16:12 ? 00:00:11 /opt/picasa/wine/bin/../lib/../bin/wineserver
fatherted 8721 1 0 16:12 ? 00:00:00 c:\windows\system32\explorer.exe /desktop
fatherted 8959 1 0 16:12 ? 00:00:01 PicasaMediaDetector
fatherted 9198 1 71 16:12 ? 00:03:18 c:\Program Files\Picasa2\Picasa2.exe
It runs everything in wine. And I didn't have to do anything to get it to work. Now that is progress. Folks, seriously, for those of you who have whined and complained about how user unfriendly Linux is, give Ubuntu a spin. It won't do everything your Windows XP machine does... but it sure will wow you. Comparing this to Redhat 7 (the first Linux distro I dared to install on my desktop), this is a whole other world. Use Wubi and try it out. You might just convert.