I heard today from some news site about US president-elect, Barack Obama picking CNN health reporter, Dr. Sanjay Gupta as his new Surgeon General. I've found American democracy interesting but I couldn't help but wonder what next. They seem to have the Tamil gene in them. If you're wondering why, go look up what Tamil politicians did prior to becoming politicians. So does that mean the president-elect might choose Judge Judy to be Attorney General? Apparently, the president can pick whoever he wants to be in charge of various government agencies; defence, health, finance, foreign affairs etc. That is in sharp contrast to most Westminster type of democracies where it is far more common for someone who is actually elected, to head a portfolio in cabinet. Don't get me wrong, our prime minster does nominate the odd TV celebrity I suppose... why, look at the last two Governors General of Canada. Prior to that, they were from radio :). And before anyone nominates the teletub...