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Showing posts from June, 2009

New York and back

I love travelling and going on vacation. A couple of weekends ago, a few friends and I went up to New York City. I met up with more friends there. New York city is awesome. And getting there from DC is cheap, fast and easy. You hop onto a bus right by the office, spend four hours on it and viola you're in the middle of NYC. So that's what I did with a couple of friends. We headed up to New York on Friday morning. We took the Megabus double-decker (with glass roof!) bus there and got seats on the upper deck. The bus got us there on time and we decided to go check into our hotel. The hotel is right across from the UN building and once we had sorted that out, we did what most tourists do in NYC, wander around. We walked a lot that day. We ended up going to a comedy show on the upper east side in the evening and because my friends smoke, we ended up meeting one of the comics. He was quite the interesting guy. He wants to change the world with humour and his ideas. He seemed to know...

The Lennikov circus

Canada is a country full of immigrants. From the folks who crossed the Bering Strait way back when to the loads of Europeans who hopped on boats and took the perilous journey to the east coast to the Chinese, Japanese, Indians and so forth that took boats and what not to get to the west coast, Canada is a country built on immigration. I am one such immigrant. And I am a very proud one at that. I can happily say that I am Canadian and not worry one bit about whether someone would have a hard time (at least in Canada) believing that to be the case in spite of the colour of my skin, the lack of knowledge as far as things like touchdowns or Kardashians go... and in spite of any accent I may have. That is what makes Canada so unique, so beautiful. We welcome all sorts of people. Rich ones, poor ones, light ones, dark ones... it runs the gamut. We even welcome war criminals and refugees. Mind you, if we catch you (as a war criminal), we are sticking you in prison. And so we come to Burnaby. ...