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Showing posts from April, 2011

So this is what it feels like...

Some things in my life have changed. For the better. I didn't know it could be this good. I am happy. I learn lots. Its freaking amazing. I can't believe it took me this long to realise this.  The best part is.... there is no overbearing, unpredictable, ridiculous charade with requirements that change every 5 weeks with new keywords and bizarre blogs... and self-aggrandizing back patting by the folks I have to deal with now. No more yay team emails. Thank god. I am lucky.

Unreliable technology

I've had this debate with my friends for months now. Why I think my BlackBerry is better than anything else out there. I am not partisan about this. Maybe I am biased. This is really a digression, but I will start off with that. I've had a blackberry since 2005. It was one of those bricks (6xxx series) with the scroll wheel on the side. It was monochrome, the phone sucked and was a brick. Since then, I have had a smaller brick (with colour!), then the first Pearl (which I loved) and now the Tour (I had to upgrade the OS to 5.0 by a hack because Bell won't release it officially). Consistently, over the years, things that it did (or at least, the things I considered important), it did well. I got push email. I got a keyboard that worked. I got a browser (it sucked... but whatever; in 2005, that was the best it was on a mobile device)... Google talk worked. Gmail integration works. Google Maps works. My contacts from google sync seamlessly. Multi-tasking works. Like truly work...

Its everybody's favourite season: election season of course!

Canadians are off to the races once more to pick a new group of MPs. There's 308 of them. One of them will become Prime Minister. And it seems that a good chunk of the electorate doesn't give a hoot about the process. The media do a good job of reporting on the events. On the surface at least. But they try. They also seem to relish in finding Canadians and asking them about the elections to get the desired effect of a disenchanted and largely uninterested and ill-informed set of people to sheepishly grin on TV. Many people I have seen interviewed have similar excuses; its not time for an election, I don't know what the issues are, I haven't voted since I last used my discman, this will change nothing (meaning the make up of our parliament). Many also don't seem to care. The level of antipathy and downright anger is amazing. Its like someone inconvenienced them with these (admittedly horrid) election advertisements in between their Jersey Shore and HNIC broadcasts....