Today it snowed at the lower elevations. Vancouver was a spotty white winter wonderland. It looked so pretty and bright. Until you step out and get pelted by the cold water falling out of the sky. Transit was a little on the slippery side, my bus kept lurching to the side every time it came to a complete stop. And it was cold to walk while it snowed. Made me feel very bad for the bums on the street. I saw one fellow with one leg sitting under a traffic lamp begging for money. He was right next to a begging meter as well. On Robson and Burrard. Outside the Roots store, a stone's throw away from the Lacoste store. It is sad that he has to be here. Of course, on the other corner is the fellow with HIV sitting out there in the bitter (by Vancouver standards) cold. Asking for help. Or choosing a lifestyle. But is he really? Are any of them? People tell me that people who are bums choose to do so. I am no so sure they choose such a lifestyle in this kind of weather. You may be a bit on t...
I use this as a place to let loose on whatever bugs me, usually at an hour way past my bed time. I *attempt* to keep track of where I am in the world right now and even try to put up pictures. You be the judge.