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Showing posts from March, 2006

New set of wheels...

I bought a new car. More appropriately, I bought my mum a new car. She's been driving her rattling car for almost 8 years. I got some money to spend. I have but one mum. So I got her a brand spanking new car. It isn't the fanciest thing out there, but I think we are all pleased with it. It is a new Hyundai Sonata. Now I know what some of you may think when you read this: Hyundai? Why would you spend money on a Hyundai? Aren't they tin cans of junk? Well, they are. Or more appropriately, they were. This Sonata is a new car for the 2006 year and is real nice on the inside and out. The finish in the car is quite nice, the interior is spacious and quiet. The inline 4 cylinder engine is nice and powerful. The ABS brakes are solid. The "shifter" is fun to play with (it isn't a real manual transmission what with no clutch and everything). It has a sunroof. And some other goodies.

Keg Party

My boss is a neat kind of guy. He drinks beer. He has a flair for showing off. He does a tasteful job of it. He impresses. He had a keg party at his 20th floor apartment. A lot of people came. Not just from work. Some of his family and friends too. Some of my co-workers came. A couple brought along their friends. Terrifically *hot* female friends. The kind that make you wonder. I have new found respect for my co-workers. Those women are hot. These guys don't make a move on them. One's in a long term relationship it looks like with his girlfriend. The other bats for the other team. I hope you get the drift. Though he did date her apparently. One was Australian. The other was exotic enough. Her name was familiar. A relative has the same name. I told her that. She told me where I am from. My jaw drops. How would she know? She's bright, she's sly, she's full of energy and a little too full of drink. She's a Psychology major. With a Masters. She said Freud never ha...

I DO get a new email address

So, it has been a couple of weeks almost since my company got bought out (or merged if you are in polite company) by the bigger company. Their people have been all over this place. They have been giving us the sales pitch. They do things differently. They seem to want to keep us around. It is still the honeymoon period but I am starting to like them. The new director we probably will report to took us out to lunch twice and once to the bar. He seems to be a straight-shooter and probably got an earful from the less than happy staff. Of course, the new team has sounded great. But it remains to be seen whether they will live up to their own self-generated hype. They are giving us hope again. And I think the sceptics amongst us are being silenced. Not physically with duct-tape. Just by our own minds. Most likely because we want to hope and be convinced of a better future. The sad thing is, as human beings, we are seldom capable of enjoying the present with all its conveniences. We always w...