My boss is a neat kind of guy. He drinks beer. He has a flair for showing off. He does a tasteful job of it. He impresses. He had a keg party at his 20th floor apartment. A lot of people came. Not just from work. Some of his family and friends too.
Some of my co-workers came. A couple brought along their friends. Terrifically *hot* female friends. The kind that make you wonder. I have new found respect for my co-workers. Those women are hot. These guys don't make a move on them. One's in a long term relationship it looks like with his girlfriend. The other bats for the other team. I hope you get the drift. Though he did date her apparently.
One was Australian. The other was exotic enough. Her name was familiar. A relative has the same name. I told her that. She told me where I am from. My jaw drops. How would she know? She's bright, she's sly, she's full of energy and a little too full of drink. She's a Psychology major. With a Masters. She said Freud never had dogs. I have since looked on the beloved Internet and validated what I recalled then. He had a chow-chow sit in on his sessions. He had a fairly close relationship with his dogs. She was wrong. She claimed she was bright. She probably is. She is not perfect.
She's older. I don't care. If I could get that package at a car dealership, I would sign away my life and take that home. She has shown me something that I never knew existed. A gorgeous woman. With roots from my part of the world. Who lives here. Successfully. Did I mention gorgeous? Intelligent. A little too sure of herself. I could go on. I am probably setting myself up for something nasty. But I am going to do something I have never done. I am actually thinking of acting on it. And who knows, I might actually go through with it. This is the first time in a long time that I have actually thought of taking on a challenge. I have a worthy opponent. I am playing to win. I'd hate to lose. I'd be miserable if I didn't try.
She left in a taxi. With 2 others. I made sure the other fellow was in the cab safely. I hope he's fine. We let loose on him. I feel bad for doing that. Given the chance, I would do it again. Things need to change. He's my manager afterall (another manager, not the fellow throwing the keg party). He's my representative at the higher echelons of power. We adore him. But we will fight him tooth-and-nail for our betterment. He knows that. He feels bad I think. He thinks he failed. He has not. Yet. He can still make a difference. That is up to him though.
I cleaned up as best I could. Then, I walked home. I could only think of that creature that stirs such bizzare emotions. I didn't count the number of people I saw on my walk home like I normally do. I forgot to. I slept on the couch. My room was too messy. I have a plan. I will execute it. I will succeed.
Some of my co-workers came. A couple brought along their friends. Terrifically *hot* female friends. The kind that make you wonder. I have new found respect for my co-workers. Those women are hot. These guys don't make a move on them. One's in a long term relationship it looks like with his girlfriend. The other bats for the other team. I hope you get the drift. Though he did date her apparently.
One was Australian. The other was exotic enough. Her name was familiar. A relative has the same name. I told her that. She told me where I am from. My jaw drops. How would she know? She's bright, she's sly, she's full of energy and a little too full of drink. She's a Psychology major. With a Masters. She said Freud never had dogs. I have since looked on the beloved Internet and validated what I recalled then. He had a chow-chow sit in on his sessions. He had a fairly close relationship with his dogs. She was wrong. She claimed she was bright. She probably is. She is not perfect.
She's older. I don't care. If I could get that package at a car dealership, I would sign away my life and take that home. She has shown me something that I never knew existed. A gorgeous woman. With roots from my part of the world. Who lives here. Successfully. Did I mention gorgeous? Intelligent. A little too sure of herself. I could go on. I am probably setting myself up for something nasty. But I am going to do something I have never done. I am actually thinking of acting on it. And who knows, I might actually go through with it. This is the first time in a long time that I have actually thought of taking on a challenge. I have a worthy opponent. I am playing to win. I'd hate to lose. I'd be miserable if I didn't try.
She left in a taxi. With 2 others. I made sure the other fellow was in the cab safely. I hope he's fine. We let loose on him. I feel bad for doing that. Given the chance, I would do it again. Things need to change. He's my manager afterall (another manager, not the fellow throwing the keg party). He's my representative at the higher echelons of power. We adore him. But we will fight him tooth-and-nail for our betterment. He knows that. He feels bad I think. He thinks he failed. He has not. Yet. He can still make a difference. That is up to him though.
I cleaned up as best I could. Then, I walked home. I could only think of that creature that stirs such bizzare emotions. I didn't count the number of people I saw on my walk home like I normally do. I forgot to. I slept on the couch. My room was too messy. I have a plan. I will execute it. I will succeed.