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Showing posts from 2013

Three months into cycling

I've been on a bit of a cycling kick lately. In the three months or so of constant cycling (coincidentally, that is most of Vancouver's summer), I've amassed nearly 1000km in the saddle on three different bikes. I've watched most of the highlights to the grand Tour, and find myself looking up broadcast schedules for the Vuelta which started this weekend. Along the way, I have learned a lot. The hardest bits likely were the things I had to un-learn.  Probably the hardest of the stuff to adhere to while cycling are the rules . Some of these are funny, but most have at least a grain of truth in them. For years, I thought people who wore spandex and rode their bikes around were, well, similar to what Clarkson calls Audi drivers . Turns out, they are onto something. Ride on your saddle for a couple of hours without those things and try it with them and you will see the difference. They are vastly more comfortable than anything else you could ride in. The same goes for j...

A note on obsessive record keeping and its unintended consequences

On a whim, at the end of last year, I decided to keep track of what time I make it into work on a daily basis. Keeping a record of the time I walk into the door was as far as I got in terms of coming up with a resolution for the new year. The assumption there was that I would try and make it into work prior to 9am. Along the way, I decided to add the time it takes me to get to work. This gave rise to the below graph. I am not certain what I am to take away from this. I have yet to miss keeping track of one day. I obsessively follow the same routine. I get on the elevator going down from my apartment and by the time I walk out the door, I note down the time I started at. I turn my phone's sound off, then I walk to work. About 20 minutes later, I get to work, depending on the traffic lights and the pattern I take to work. I wish desperately for there to be no line at the office elevator so I can get up as quickly as I can. Around the 9 O’Clock mark, there is a rush of people, s...

Dear pet owners of Vancouver

I am sure many of you consider yourselves responsible owners of your dog or whatever you call those things. But do me a favour and, for the love of god, please clean up after your god damned pet. I do not enjoy walking to work playing dodge-the-dog-poo on a daily basis. Seriously. Unfortunately for me, my eyes work together; so when I am looking down for the next possible poo spot, and am walking, I have a good chance of missing that car entering the intersection from just out of field of sight. And I don't trust those drivers either. So, do me a favour and clean up your dog's crap. It isn't like your dog can do it by itself.  Now, here's the fun part. We live in a place that is full of cameras. CCTV cameras. Mobile phone cameras. Yuppies with SLRs. Clowns with Instagram filters. They're everywhere. These cameras typically take videos and those end up on Youtube. And people, being what they are, they will go through videos and find the most random things. Toget...