My legs hurt. My feet hurt. My back hurts. And I would do it again.
I finished running the second largest 10km race in the world, hosted in Vancouver. The Sun Run is probably the largest race type event in Vancouver, but probably not the most entertaining or the most hard core. I finished my race in 1 hour 03 minutes and 54 seconds. That's 6 minutes, 24 seconds a kilometre. I placed 14739 (out of 51,419 people), 1657 in my age group (Males between 25 and 29).Technology is an amazing thing. My running, not so much.
I really, really, really wanted to finish the race, injury free in under an hour. That was my goal. And I was about 4 minutes short. I am quite disappointed in that result to be honest... but I guess I can always try next year. Or I can sign up for the next race, dubbed the Underwear Affair, a race to raise money for research into stuff below the waist or something. Apparently, lots of folks in their undergarments go out and have a fun 10km race. Not being an exhibitionist, I don't think I would fit in.
The Sun Run and my results taught me one very important thing: I am not ready for a marathon. While I was fine at the end of the race (I was able to walk a good chunk of the way back home), I doubt I could have run another 32 km. I think I need a lot more training before I can attempt a marathon and come out of that without hurting myself (and finishing the event obviously).
The weather yesterday was perfect. Sunny and about 15 degrees. It felt quite warm when I was running. I think next year that I will start one wave ahead (I was in the 'white' wave this year, next year I will skip up to the 'green' wave and start sooner) with more runners than walkers. One thing I found a bit annoying was all the folks who were walking right in front of the runners. The race is big enough that they shut down major roads in the city. They also put up signs every so often telling the walkers to keep to the right and let the runners pass. But apparently, people don't heed signs. There is plenty of space on the course for the walkers, the runners and the crazy folks. You also run into some strange things; like the fellow who was jogging while on the cell phone. I am not saying a clear route would have made a difference in my time... but it would still have been nice to get a clear shot at finishing the race sooner.
I am always amazed when people give up a nice Sunday morning to raise money for a good cause. Especially when Mother's Day is on the same day and can be used as an excuse to skip the hard work. While the race wasn't as well organised as it could have been, it was a remarkably smooth affair. If I could, I would get better music along the track (none of that sad sentimental crap; you want to pump up your runners, not make them feel like giving up) and mark the distance more often. It works for me if I can see how much further I have to go and what time it is (from race start). I am totally looking forward to next year's Sun Run, hopefully, we can beat the Peachtree Road Race (they apparently have ~ 55,000 runners, making them the largest 10km race in the world).
If I was crazy, I would try doing the remaining 2 marathons this year (but I won't). Nor will I try running up Grouse Mountain, but I will hike it. Some day, I hope to qualify for this race. But that's a long way off right now. Oh well, off to do my homework (yes, I am back in school).
And... Re: 1657 in my age group (Males between 25 and 29)
I wonder how many ppl in your age group? 1658? ;)
As well, there are a lot more people who run that race who are in my age group :P. I am not that terrible a runner!